Thursday 7 April 2011

Only born once...

NB: Since uploading this review, borndigital seems to have been wiped from the web! I feel like I've lost touch with an old friend, and the www community has lost a great resource... but why? (The conspiracy theories can start here.)

The website is the definition of a It has been around since the 'ancient times' of world-wide-web weaving, with its first uploads in 1994. Since its birth, the site has been often imitated - accept no substitutes! For the 'retro-cyber-chique' design alone it is well worth a visit. It retains the internet aesthetics of the 'hacker ethic', from a time when information and the internet was still striving to be free and to champion freedom - of information, speech, thought, expression...

Broken down into sections that look like fragments from the conscious and subconscious of Timothy Leary, the content is indexed into loose categories such as: Spirit/Consciousness/Magic, Politics/Sacred Cows, 'Sampledelic Meltomedia', Art and 'LSD' (contains flashing imagery, and then some!).

Browsing the site is like going to a dinner party with fellow boffins, artists, acid-heads, philosophers, techno-geeks, 'flaming liberals' and well-read nerds. The content is abundant and the essays and texts will inform, incite, excite and challenge. So have a look for yourself, but be warned, the mind that does not bend snaps sooner.

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