Happy New Year!
Here is a brief round-up of things I did in 2021 that may be of interest to others...
I already summarised the first quarter HERE which saw plenty of my writings published, about film and art, plus a virtual author's tour of schools for World Book Day following-on from a couple of virtual residencies.
The summer saw more writing, but a lot of it was 'in the background', including a new lease of life for an array of television script ideas, due to an injection of funding to facilitate their collaborative development. It may be a while until any of that is likely to be unleashed, though!
My visual art also explored avenues anew and collided with text to take things in a whole new direction... I wrote a related piece for Signifier about this merging and morphing into post-literate abstraction - click image below to read for free:
Writing to Escape the Words in Signifier |
I am honoured to have been accepted as an Arts Council of Wales Associate and looking forward to exploring all that may entail. In my role as Creative Consultant in Education I offered distanced learning, a mentoring programme, and also oversaw a collaboration with the forward thinking school Ysgol y Foryd, near Rhyl, and two inspiring artists, Sal Maguire of
Round the Twist, and Liam Rickard aka
WorldWideWelshman, who helped the pupils explore illustration, folklore, climate, and to write and perform their own original (and super-catchy) songs - one about the myth of the fearsome, flood-bringing Afanc, and another that's a pop party anthem.
This creative adventure continues with the preliminary planning of a second educational project, and I'm looking forward to developing this into 2022 with three new Creative Practitioners -
Tara Dean, along with Libby Edwards and Stuart Loughland of
Magic Light Productions. The potential is immense and I can only expect... the unexpected!
I was inaugural Curator for
Signifier : Six : Shot : Gallery which featured a dozen artists in its first year: Stephen Green, Julie Upmeyer, Lou Gunstone, Tim Pugh, Elin Hughes, David Thomas, Jan Gardner, KK Sharma, Géraldine Swatridge, Darren Neave, James Milne, and currenlty samples from my
Biodes series are the
January 2022 exhibition. The Signifier’s Six Shot is an online gallery that showcases just six images linked by aesthetics, techniques, processes, philosophies, formal or conceptual elements. The accompanying statement by the artist may not necessarily explain the work but will help build a deeper and more meaningful engagement with it.
(I am currenlty sorting out the Six Shot schedule for 2022, so if you would be interested in showing work, feel free contact me with your proposal and a request for guidelines.)
I continued to contribute regular articles on art, design, and media to the
Signifier publication and you can 'jump in' with these selected examples - try to guess the subject before clicking on the image:
...and I enjoyed writing regular reviews of film and television as a critic at
Frame Rated. Here are a few choice retrospectives, 'deep-dives', and reviews I particularly enjoyed - see if you can identify the movies from these stills before clicking-through to the reviews:
If you have enjoyed any of my art and writing, please consider showing some love and support. Simply spreading the word via your social channels would be a big help and won't cost a penny. So, take a moment to share articles, art, and reviews that you found of interest because, chances are, others may also.
Much of my online writing is syndicated to the Medium platform where I am listed as a Top Writer in the categories of Art and Movies. If you haven't yet, please consider subscribing to Medium via -
this link - I receive a small referral fee and you get unlimited access to
The Signifier publication and
Six Shot Gallery, plus
Frame Rated and all the quality writing on Medium, which is focussed on providing a smooth reader experience across multiple devices and platforms. It’s a great deal!
The best way to support any indie author, is to purchase their books! If you enjoy the work of a writer, then a reader review on your preferred peer-sharing platform is a brilliant way to show support and get the word out to others who may also enjoy their books. If you know anyone who enjoys reading “imaginative fiction at its best,”
This, That, and The Other is my latest series of epic fantasy adventure novels, written with Zel Cariad, and the first four are available from
The Red Sparrow Press.
That's all for now, except for me to wish you and yours all the very best for 2022!